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#WeTrumpHate Video Copy


Wrote the script for #WeTrumpHate, a film inspired by the values and beliefs that connect young voters in America and a rallying cry to participate in the process.

Received just under 1 million views on Facebook.

Shared by Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Featured in Adweek.

The Script

The Script

We believe in...We.

The People.

The next generation of America

A future where minorities ARE the majority.

We believe…

In bridges over walls.

Education over incarceration.

And many over one.

We believe…

Addiction is a crisis.

Not a crime, not a sentence.

A disease.

We believe…

That prisons are for killers

not for tokers

But the rapists and the brokers who broke us.

We believe….

That 20 veterans

Who put their lives on the line in lands far away

Should not die every day in their own...

We believe…

They should come home.

We believe…

That sickness can be treated

And cures can be created

When healthcare’s not a privilege

It’s a right.

We believe…

That protest

Peaceful protest

is patriotic.

Whether kneeling down or speaking up

Standing still or shouting out.

We believe…

We believe in the fight.

For black lives

Clean water

and a liveable wage.

We fight for these rights

‘Cause they’re right.

We believe…

That public colleges should be affordable

...for ALL.

In equality, not a wall!

This land is my land, your land, OUR land.

We believe...

In faith in one another

Not fear of the other.

That refugees deserve refuge.

And women's rights are human rights.

We believe...

That racism




are real.

We believe they exist just as much as we believe in the possibility of their extinction.

But only if we stand together.

If we believe in...We.

Because in the end, if we believe in each other

Believe in an America where our people are as united as our states.

We trump hate.