brand design, copy, and content

Sam Lives! Brand Identity

Sam Lives! copy

Sam Lives! copy

As the namesake of her family’s juice brand, Fresh Samantha, Sam decided to follow in their footsteps and start her own smoothie business.

Sam came up with a brand identity that resonated with former Fresh Samantha fans and called the product Sam Lives!

She wrote the copy in a quirky voice that conjured up nostalgia for these fans with lines such as "I'm all grown up and fresher than ever!" and "Here’s to a smoothie like the one that made me lick my lips and twirl my curls in a purple skirt.”

She came up with playful characters such as “The Duke of Kale” and “Jangled Mango” and designed the website, tradeshow booths, labels and all other marketing materials with Abby Carter's whimsical art.

Wallpaper* recognized the line for its unique branding.

Sam ran all aspects of the business and sold the line at Whole Foods and other natural retailers across New England.